This is one of the key decisions from the annual meeting of the league today in Berwick, Nova Scotia, where representatives of the 12 teams of the MHL meet. The draft session will be held on Saturday, June 9th.
Following a presentation by Edmundston Blizzard Governor Andre Lebel and a vote by the Board of Governors, Edmundston, New Brunswick was selected to host the event.
The Blizzard organization are entering their second season of operations following the transfer of the franchise from Dieppe, New Brunswick in 2017. Since then, the organization has been a hit both on and off the ice, leading the league in attendance and winning the MHL Playoff Championship this past spring. Now, the team and the city will be afforded the opportunity to host the rest of the league at the MHL’s biggest off-ice event of the year.
“There aren’t enough words to explain what Edmundston has meant to the league, or what the Blizzard have meant to Edmundston, during their short time in the MHL, ” said MHL president Brian Whitehead. “After a presentation before the Board of Governors, it was their decision to award the hosting rights for our AGM and Draft to Edmundston. As a league, we look forward to what will no doubt be a very welcoming and professional event in Northwestern New Brunswick next June.”
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Sources : Hugues Chiasson, vice-president communications – The Edmundston Blizzard; (506) 740-0623 – cell phone
Will MacLaren, director of communications, MHL,